
Incubator Automatic "Perepelochka" for 170 eggs Ukraine

$ 62.69

Availability: 13 in stock
  • Featured Refinements: Automatic egg incubator
  • Brand: Perepelochka
  • Condition: New
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Ukraine
  • Model: 170
  • Country of Manufacture: Ukraine


    Hello! You are welcome at BEST GOODS FROM UKRAINE Store!
    Automatic incubator "Perepelochka" for 170 eggs
    Инкубатор автоматический “Перепёлочка” вместимостью 170 яиц
    Automatic incubator "Perepelochka" is equipped with a turning mechanism, with which you can program the turning eggs.
    Using such an incubator, you can avoid the tedious procedure manual turning eggs several times a day.
    Incubator can perform turning eggs without your participation under the timer settings. By purchasing this automatic incubator, you just need to lay eggs in it and choose the program turn - the rest it does by itself.
    Incubator is designed to incubate up to 170 quail eggs at a time.
    Incubator housing is made of dense polystyrene - a material having the best part of the thermodynamic characteristics of the device. Just outside is sheathed with plastic incubator for additional insulation and increase the strength of the structure.
    Incubator equipped with a digital thermostat, which with high precision maintains the set temperature during incubation.
    Lamp heaters in the incubator occupy the maximum possible area, which in turn makes it possible to provide uniform heating over the entire area egg incubator without a fan.
    Incubator capacity, eggs
    (with turning):
    Incubator capacity, eggs
    (without turning):
    Turning eggs:
    Maximum capacity consumption, Watts
    Hatching temperature is run automatically with the precision of ±
    ±0,25 °C
    Power source, V AC
    Maximum power consumption during one hatching (30 days), kilowatt-hour
    Dimensions, mm:
    Maximum weight, kg
    1 year
    Thermoregulator type
    Heater type
    Temperature control range, ° C
    35 — 40
    Made in Ukraine
    Payment PayPal
    Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
    Shipping the day after payment.
    Please, visit my store
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