Automatic Incubator Teplusha for 63 eggs Heating element Digital thermoregulator
$ 70.21
- Description
- Size Guide
Hello! You are welcome at BEST GOODS FROM UKRAINE Store!Automatic Incubator Teplusha for 63 eggs
with Heating element and Digital thermoregulator
Eggs overturn - automatic
ade of dense expanded polystyrene
Thermostat type - digital
Temperature control range - 35-40
Temperature control - automatic
Air exchange - fan
Power supply - 220V
Dimensions - 590x490x290 mm
Weight - no more than 6 kg
Eggs Capacity
Chicken - 63
Ducks - 50
Turkeys - 50
Goose - 30
Japanese quail - 200
Please note that incubator needs
220V power source
it has an European plug!
Made in Ukraine
Payment PayPal
Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping the day after payment.
Please, visit my store
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